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The Pan-American Ocean Energy Students (POES) network is a volunteer association acting as a hub for student organizations, to facilitate information sharing and collaboration between students and young researchers from around the world. The POES is a joint initiative by CEMIE-Océano (click here) and PAMEC.Energy Association (click here) . In unison, nowadays it's managed by the following student organizations: CEMIE-Océano Estudiantil (click here) and REMARCO (click here) . We seek to support and promote the development, research and future implementation of Ocean Energies (e.g. wave, tidal current, salinity and thermal gradient), as well as their connection to other interdisciplinary areas. We believe students and young professionals will play a key role in driving their organizations towards a more sustainable and equitable blue economy, and favoring clean and safe energy supplies. To achieve this, the POES:

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